
The whole sitting down thing not being considered ‘professional etiquette’ is getting annoying

I work In retail, in the back in a shop, where I put things together, tag them, and roll them out onto the sales floor. Back here we used to have 1 (one) small stool that we could rest on while entering information into a computer or helping a customer with something. I walked into work today and the stool is gone. Replaced by a note that says: “HR is looking into the ongoing laziness in this department, and removing certain items to maintain a professional etiquette for our store”. Huh? Okay. So how exactly is it unprofessional to not want to stand around all day, with nowhere to sit and nothing to do, and get my legs all cramped up? Hell even when we did have the stool, we never had a SINGLE customer complain about what we were doing or how we presented ourselves. You know why? Because…

I work In retail, in the back in a shop, where I put things together, tag them, and roll them out onto the sales floor. Back here we used to have 1 (one) small stool that we could rest on while entering information into a computer or helping a customer with something.

I walked into work today and the stool is gone. Replaced by a note that says:

“HR is looking into the ongoing laziness in this department, and removing certain items to maintain a professional etiquette for our store”.

Huh? Okay. So how exactly is it unprofessional to not want to stand around all day, with nowhere to sit and nothing to do, and get my legs all cramped up? Hell even when we did have the stool, we never had a SINGLE customer complain about what we were doing or how we presented ourselves. You know why? Because sitting down is not bad customer service.

And I know I sound spoiled. This isn't just about me though. We bust our asses lifting heavy loads and working on equipment all day long. The least we deserve is some kinda break. Only problem is, if we go to our break room to sit down, they still complain that we're wasting/stealing time from the company. It's ridiculous. You'd rather have me walk halfway across the store to sit down, than have me sit down where I work, where I can continue to help people? Really fuckin weird double standard.

Anyway my rant is over. I know plenty of other people on this sub work in retail so you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. I just wish it wasn't enforced so heavily by the idiots that get to sit in their air-conditioned offices all day long.

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