
Theft or…?

Okay, Reddit. I’ve come across a pretty interesting circumstance where my job is concerned, and I could really use some advice. I was hired by a popular grocery store chain three months ago as an overnight associate. I travel for my job, and as such, they offered me a couple of benefits to choose from for my trouble. One of them being free hotel stay with three meals included, up to $40 a day. The other being paid for mileage (a set number per day/ from Home store to visiting store) and travel time. I chose the later at the beginning of my job. For three months, we were in the particular location and we had little to no problems. Shortly after starting my job, however, I lost my place to live. I have been living in my car for about two and a half months now. Primarily in the…

Okay, Reddit. I’ve come across a pretty interesting circumstance where my job is concerned, and I could really use some advice.

I was hired by a popular grocery store chain three months ago as an overnight associate. I travel for my job, and as such, they offered me a couple of benefits to choose from for my trouble. One of them being free hotel stay with three meals included, up to $40 a day. The other being paid for mileage (a set number per day/ from Home store to visiting store) and travel time.

I chose the later at the beginning of my job. For three months, we were in the particular location and we had little to no problems.

Shortly after starting my job, however, I lost my place to live. I have been living in my car for about two and a half months now. Primarily in the parking lot of my workplace.

I didn’t think much of the mileage situation in my previous workplace. I had been traveling back to the original town almost daily anyway, because I needed to shower at the gym. Working at night meant I was sleeping in a 110* car during the day… let’s just say the sweat wasn’t comfortable.

Well. The workplace changed, and we switched stores to start a new project. This store was over a curvy mountain road- a bit more dangerous than a previous trek. I figured it would go about the same way, but alas, I was wrong.

Let me be Frank. This time, I didn’t travel back and forth from store to store everyday. I didn’t think it really mattered what parking lot I slept in. I chose to receive mileage again, not because of greed, but because my circumstances are… not ideal and the money would really help.

I understand that a hotel for the next four months would give me a place to stay. A roof over my head, but it’s a temporary solution to a permanent problem. If you’re thinking ‘how much of a difference could it possibly make?’

The mileage would bring $400/ week into my savings for an apartment, as well as savings towards getting some of my health problems taken care of. That was my ultimate goal. (Where I’m from, you need $1,500 for a one bedroom. First, last, and deposit, + utilities, I’m looking at $5,000 to get a place of my own)

The payout? Turns out to $1,600 a month, and for four months- $6,400. Enough to hopefully get myself a place to stay, and take care of a previously mentioned health problem. Two, actually.

Well. There was a bit of a trifling. When the people from my store went up to collect their travel vouchers, the lady in charge told us we weren’t going be getting our meals every week. She made it a point to hate on those of us who were driving, saying that they weren’t expecting to pay this and that. I can’t remember a whole lot of that speech, to be honest.

But they were backing out of paying us what we signed up for. They said they would pay us for this week, but that they were going to renegotiate terms for the following week and try to get clearer guidelines. She wanted to only pay for one meal a day for the hotel people.

So, the main event- when I went to collect the money for the miles, I was stopped by the lead coach (she proved herself to be excruciatingly difficult and mean throughout my first week there), some head honcho lady, and two other ‘boss’ people. The four of them cornered me in the room, and laid out their views on the table.

They noticed that I had been sleeping in my car, and told me they weren’t going to pay me for the miles.

I can’t remember too much of this speech either, (it’s.. a long story. Memory issues) but the gists of it was that three of the four of em, were going back and forth on why it wasn’t right. That I had no integrity, that I was a financial burden on the rest of the team, and that I shouldn’t come back because they weren’t going to pay me.

They made me feel like shit. They ganged up on me, and insulted me when I couldn’t give them a straight answer on if I had or not. And they didn’t even bother to ask why I was doing what I was doing. Why I felt the need to plant myself in a cramped, 110* car, with a risk of dehydration and no fresh food, when a hotel was on the table.

It clear they don’t give a damn about their employees- the only thing on their mind was that they didn’t want to spend the money- not just to me, but to the rest of my group as well.

But I need to know what to do. I don’t entirely think I was wrong. If I really had to, I would’ve driven. But again- it was their parking lot, or my home store parking lot and all I was going to do was waste gas and take a dangerous trip. If I had gone anywhere else- literally one store up the road, they probably wouldn’t’ve even noticed.

I feel I’m at a risk of losing my job now. Is it stealing, choosing and cashing in on a benefit offered to me? Is it okay for them to withhold the money from the benefit I chose? Is it stealing? If I lose my job, is it justified on their end?

Please. I need a fresh perspective.

*I did not ask for money for the days I wasn’t there.

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