
There is a chance my old employer set me u pt o get arrested. I have no idea how to go about it and have had no luck getting a lawyer.

I took a job at a minimum security prison, at first I thought it was some kind of early release program, honestly I”m still unsure what it was. But basically, from what I can tell in the hiring process they discovered my social media. Realized I'm fairly progressive and didn't exactly like me. As a result I got terrible, extremely insufficient training. I was given a massive binder of every single policy and procedure and millions of sheets of paper that were out of order and often irrelevant, I was given the resident handguide like 4 times. If I ever asked questions to supplement my attempts at learning the job I was given deliberately wrong answers by superiors and after a while it reached a point where I was being told to directly violate what I believe are laws in regard to prisons. They told me to sign off on…

I took a job at a minimum security prison, at first I thought it was some kind of early release program, honestly I”m still unsure what it was.

But basically, from what I can tell in the hiring process they discovered my social media. Realized I'm fairly progressive and didn't exactly like me. As a result I got terrible, extremely insufficient training. I was given a massive binder of every single policy and procedure and millions of sheets of paper that were out of order and often irrelevant, I was given the resident handguide like 4 times. If I ever asked questions to supplement my attempts at learning the job I was given deliberately wrong answers by superiors and after a while it reached a point where I was being told to directly violate what I believe are laws in regard to prisons. They told me to sign off on medication I hadn't passed out, said I could take facility keys homes and refused to accept my attempts at returning them before the end of my shift. When I requested more training they sent me to their main campus and refused to allow me to sign out the company car in proper channels, when I arrived at their main campus they wouldn't give me a visitors pass and just rushed me into the facility. I finally quit and someone else drove the car back while it may or may not have been under my name? The person driving me back kept making references to getting speeding tickets, and would not use the signal while transferring lanes. He told me since I have resigned the car is no longer my responsibility but I'm really worried.

My hope is all of this is just so I don't try to sue them. Does anyone have any advice? I haven't had any contact from law enforcement and I do have screenshots of emails where I am told to do xyz. The car in particular worries me as I have nothing in writing about that but their security cameras should certainly have recordings of who was driving as well as my clock out times to corroborate anything the other person driving did with the car after dropping me off.

I can probably just sit and wait and if I don't hear anything from the police in a month or so then I'm probably fine right? I haven't been able to get a lawyer to respond to me.

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