
there is no one worse with how to use money than the so-called “elites” or “rich”

on how much do you manage to survive yearly? ​ well guess what, the so called rich, are going mentally haywire unless they spend millions, if not billions, just to show how big of an ego they have. ​ economical decisions? tax is needed to fund healthcare, educations (aka less stupid people), security and health (aka government inspectors who check to ensure food sold are healthy, no safety hazard and more), and so much more, like you know, improve the environment. Yet the so called rich, are avoid paying tax as a goal of life. Are using methods to not pay tax so even further destorying said country where they are operating. They prefer to hoard money instead of spending it to help everyone else. Why? because, as mentioned in the title, they are the worse people to understand how to use money. ​ they don't even understand money are…

on how much do you manage to survive yearly?

well guess what, the so called rich, are going mentally haywire unless they spend millions, if not billions, just to show how big of an ego they have.

economical decisions? tax is needed to fund healthcare, educations (aka less stupid people), security and health (aka government inspectors who check to ensure food sold are healthy, no safety hazard and more), and so much more, like you know, improve the environment. Yet the so called rich, are avoid paying tax as a goal of life. Are using methods to not pay tax so even further destorying said country where they are operating. They prefer to hoard money instead of spending it to help everyone else. Why? because, as mentioned in the title, they are the worse people to understand how to use money.

they don't even understand money are funds, and not some “high score” in a competition or game.

and of course, when a pandemic starts, when a war starts, when anything starts that cause suffering and death, instead of reducing the prices to help others, they are actually increasing it. Some even maintaining wars and such since that's how stock marketing is indirectly causing more suffering and death. Because in stock marketing, the owner class are immune from any penalty for causing harm to others, while they make millions, if not bilions.

i mean, just take any comany that made bilions in profit (profit means it's after expenses, Aka it's not a dement and supply situation). Now calculate how many years it take to get said amount of bilions IF you are getting paid milions a day. Only to realise that said comanies, made milions every day…. while a pandemic, or war, or other crisis happens. Yet no penalty because stock marketing is the opposite of free market while also creating a new form of slavery where the “owner class” get more rich the more the working class or really anyone else, is working or suffering (since medical bills, even to burry the death)

and guess what, stock marketing and such are a daily activity of the rich. Yet they still are not able to understand the damage they cause to everyone else.

And here comes the best of the best, each time I bring this up to anyone I speak with: but it's the law, well what can we do? I don't want to think about that!

well guess why slavery was legal for so many years and years? exactly, it was a neccesary for society and the one in charger stfu anyone against slavery. Guess why woman where not allowed to vote or work? Exactly, all 3 where made so by law. And the only thing that changed was the laws. The people who are pro slaves, exist, they are just not openly admiting it due to the law. So they use different terms like human resourses (yes, you are a resourse, why do you thing you are send to human resourse deparment if someone is harrasing you, not paid, or otherwise insted of being allowed to call the police?) and of course, shareholders and other investors who suffer from “god complex” and that's why they need to be paid milons a day or else they will be upset

everyone on this sub knows how much hate “anti work” movement, people on benefits, and many similar get. But how comes no one touches sharheolders who are: the reason why prices go up (as they own so they can and will increase prices), are getting more rich the more others suffer (just look up shareholders in housing, especially politicians, to see why the prices of houses keep going up. Copy paste for healthcare), and of course, anything that is not important for shareholders is ignored if not destroyed, like police forces, educations (so people never realise they are legally explited, why else do you think they never teach human rights and work rights in school?), and any attemt of a working affordable heatlhcare (after all, why make you healthy when they can make you just healthy enogh to work for many years yet crippled enogh to need to buy medicine to keep your mental health in check)

And of course: regadless how many proof you show to the elites, they will start with marketing, economical, stock marketing and more tehnical terms, to confuse everyone, including “it's my capital, and that's why I don't pay tax despite aking bilions in profit”, just because they don't understand how much damage they cause to the economy as a whole in thir quest for greed

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