
There is NO reason why regular Americans should be taxed up the wazoo like they are

We're taxed at every step of our lives, from getting a huge chunk of our income being taken from us before we even get our pay, to being tax on everything we pay for. This would be fine if that taxed money went to beneficial things like free healthcare, education, social services, infrastructure, etc, but no. I can't even think of anything that makes me go “my taxes helped provide that for people.” Instead our money gets used for idiotic purposes like funding US proxy wars and illegitimate states like Israel. Funny how this country was founded on ideals like, “No taxation without representation.” Well I feel pretty unrepresented.

We're taxed at every step of our lives, from getting a huge chunk of our income being taken from us before we even get our pay, to being tax on everything we pay for.

This would be fine if that taxed money went to beneficial things like free healthcare, education, social services, infrastructure, etc, but no. I can't even think of anything that makes me go “my taxes helped provide that for people.”

Instead our money gets used for idiotic purposes like funding US proxy wars and illegitimate states like Israel.

Funny how this country was founded on ideals like, “No taxation without representation.”

Well I feel pretty unrepresented.

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