
“There’s hours going” is the flimsiest snake oil excuse to withhold work hours they know they could give me.

It's been false promises and fake outs from the get go. “We get a light load, usually 5 pallets every 3 working days” they said “the shop is typically quiet but busy” they said. There was never such a role as flexi full time, that's just the scumbag company secret word for part time (with disruptions to my life balance) “Please come in early, we need you!!” they say. Am I supposed to say no? I can't really, I'm the only one on actual “full days” and I do most of the donkey work. “32 pallets tomorrow”, they said “we have nowhere to put them”. Has the fact that I single handedly spent 4 hours stripping 17 pallets on my own sunk in yet? They've probably done that before. More fool them I guess. I didn't sign a blood contract. I am walking after Christmas, get a job in a…

It's been false promises and fake outs from the get go.

“We get a light load, usually 5 pallets every 3 working days” they said “the shop is typically quiet but busy” they said.

There was never such a role as flexi full time, that's just the scumbag company secret word for part time (with disruptions to my life balance)

“Please come in early, we need you!!” they say. Am I supposed to say no? I can't really, I'm the only one on actual “full days” and I do most of the donkey work.

“32 pallets tomorrow”, they said “we have nowhere to put them”.

Has the fact that I single handedly spent 4 hours stripping 17 pallets on my own sunk in yet?

They've probably done that before.

More fool them I guess.

I didn't sign a blood contract. I am walking after Christmas, get a job in a place where manual labour is nonexistent.

As I said before, “friendly employers and coworkers don't exactly pay the bills”. They are nice people, but they haven't a clue what they are doing.

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