
There’s only so much to budget against price gouging and corporate greed

At this point, it is not a budgeting problem. It's either prices that need to go down or wages that need to go up. It's ridiculous how prices keep increasing (even if the rate of inflation is lower than last year). How the hell do you even budget against that? There's only so much corner I can cut. Even when job hopping, it feels like all jobs lowered their salary by about 20k-30k compared to 2-3 years ago, and if you try to negotiate, your offer gets rescinded cause there are other candidates that are willing to work for less. Went to the supermarket to get cereal and it's freaking almost $8 for a box. I refuse to work 2 jobs just to make end meets.

At this point, it is not a budgeting problem. It's either prices that need to go down or wages that need to go up. It's ridiculous how prices keep increasing (even if the rate of inflation is lower than last year). How the hell do you even budget against that? There's only so much corner I can cut.

Even when job hopping, it feels like all jobs lowered their salary by about 20k-30k compared to 2-3 years ago, and if you try to negotiate, your offer gets rescinded cause there are other candidates that are willing to work for less.

Went to the supermarket to get cereal and it's freaking almost $8 for a box. I refuse to work 2 jobs just to make end meets.

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