
These are MY Oreos TYVM

My husband's employer has a customer waiting room with a coffee maker and some prepackaged snacks. All employees are aware that they face termination if they are caught taking anything as these are for customers only. I made hubby a lunch this morning and while he was snacking on Oreo cookies I packed, one of the middle managers saw him and DEMANDED to know if he took them from the waiting area. My husband held up his Ziploc bag of cookies from his lunchbox and MM huffed and moved on with a big sour look on his face because apparently Oreos are so rare that they can't be obtained elsewhere and clearly my husband stole them. What in the actual is UP with these people????? Please share your similar “the nerve of these jackwagons” stories here!

My husband's employer has a customer waiting room with a coffee maker and some prepackaged snacks. All employees are aware that they face termination if they are caught taking anything as these are for customers only. I made hubby a lunch this morning and while he was snacking on Oreo cookies I packed, one of the middle managers saw him and DEMANDED to know if he took them from the waiting area. My husband held up his Ziploc bag of cookies from his lunchbox and MM huffed and moved on with a big sour look on his face because apparently Oreos are so rare that they can't be obtained elsewhere and clearly my husband stole them. What in the actual is UP with these people????? Please share your similar “the nerve of these jackwagons” stories here!

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