
These may be dumb ideas, and that’s okay, just trying to brainstorm

Let me start with saying this is just me trying to think outside the box, I am TOTALLY okay with people poking holes in this, all I really know is I am tired of myself and everyone I know feeling trapped. I have JUST starting thinking this through. So here's what I'm thinking now. Before anything can happen on a large scale there has to be organizing, and organizing takes MANY steps, and MANY people. I also have NO PLAN to do any of these things, I just want to understand more about each of these ideas as possibilities or concepts and why they might fail. Here's where I'm at thus far General Strike Fundraising? – Perhaps this could be a go fund me? Or on another platform? Probably something of this size wouldn't be suited to this kind of Platform… maybe it needs to be more privately managed? Or…

Let me start with saying this is just me trying to think outside the box, I am TOTALLY okay with people poking holes in this, all I really know is I am tired of myself and everyone I know feeling trapped. I have JUST starting thinking this through.

So here's what I'm thinking now. Before anything can happen on a large scale there has to be organizing, and organizing takes MANY steps, and MANY people.

I also have NO PLAN to do any of these things, I just want to understand more about each of these ideas as possibilities or concepts and why they might fail.

Here's where I'm at thus far

  • General Strike Fundraising? –
    Perhaps this could be a go fund me? Or on another platform? Probably something of this size wouldn't be suited to this kind of Platform… maybe it needs to be more privately managed? Or even be part of an LLC? Or maybe even managed in cash and highly guarded? To be clear again I know little about this I'm just trying to think outside the box. This would probably take an extremely long time and be hard to manage but obviously strikes cost a lot of money to support people.

-Strike Canned/Packaged Food Food Bank? – Maybe another way to support people is with food banks? Or maybe even a farmers co-op? Maybe starting buy purchasing land and growing food? Like a commune that could eventually grow into more? And maybe educate people how to better grow/prepare their own food, even in some cases indoors?

-Owning old warehouses for Storage?-
Again this good be goods, this could be money, this could be any number of supplies people may need.

-Buying a old office buildings to House People During a Strike/ or just fund raising for people Who need it as an affordable option?-
Since so many businesses are remote now there are a lot of major cities with empty office buildings, obviously plumbing might be an issue but perhaps this could be an option of a larger event.

-Start a general strike Union/Support Group with the Funds Raised from Fund Raising?-

I don't know much about unionizing and yes I should almost definitely do more research before posting this, I was just excited by this as even the most remote of possibilities and realize this may be ENTIRELY impossible, but I'd love a better understanding as to why.

-Get members of “General Strike Union” to Sign a Pledge?-

This would probably be the biggest thing and would require the greatest understand of what would be legally enforceable. I understand this would require the time of people ACROSS professions and a lot of buy in and might be the first (and hardest) thing that needs to happen.

Again, this all may not make any sense. I am fully prepared to accept my failings and my lack of understanding. What I'm not willing to do is just not say anything, when there might be some shred of something useful in here.

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