
They cut my hours because i reported one of my managers

I (19F) am eight days into this full time fast food job. I am getting paid $16.55/hr, the minimum wage where I work. One of my managers, A (30M), made a comment about how I should smile at them (the staff) more. I made a joke about how he doesn't pay me enough to smile at him and that I'm saving my energy for the customers. After i clocked out that day, A told me we needed to have a conversation in his office. He locked the door and told me off for having “too smart a mouth” for how tiny I am. (I am 5'4). He then continued by saying “you know, at that moment I could've fired you because your words can affect the staff's mood, but I let you stay because I like you and I like your smile. I didn't even call in the people you…

I (19F) am eight days into this full time fast food job. I am getting paid $16.55/hr, the minimum wage where I work.

One of my managers, A (30M), made a comment about how I should smile at them (the staff) more. I made a joke about how he doesn't pay me enough to smile at him and that I'm saving my energy for the customers.

After i clocked out that day, A told me we needed to have a conversation in his office.

He locked the door and told me off for having “too smart a mouth” for how tiny I am. (I am 5'4). He then continued by saying “you know, at that moment I could've fired you because your words can affect the staff's mood, but I let you stay because I like you and I like your smile. I didn't even call in the people you interviewed with because it was only your smile that I like. Don't do that again, okay?”.

This is my third job in my life so I didn't know what to do. I apologized and left the restaurant. I cried when I got home thinking back to how uncomfortable I was and wondering what about what I said was so wrong. No one else told me that they felt uncomfortable with my joke. Most of the staff that heard me even laughed at it.

I talked to my mom about it and she told me to report it to the branch manager, B.

B and I had a conversation about how I felt and how I would rather not be scheduled when A is working. She said she would investigate my claim.

On Sunday, I recieved the schedule for this full time job. I was only scheduled to work a total of six hours throughout the week.

I don't know where to go from here. I kinda want to just quit but I dont like the feeling that A had won if I were to quit.

What do I do from here?

Tldr: Told my manager he doesn't pay me enough to smile at him then they only gave me six total hours of work (at this supposedly full time job) for this week.

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