
They fired a worker, just like she’s gone

I work in IT and the worker is a client's employee, not technically my coworker but we talked and were friendly. I fixed her computer issues and then said have a good afternoon. Next day she, along with other workers at this company, were laid off. Just like that, one day she expected to go to work like she had been for 2 years and then right before the weekend “You're terminated. Turn in your stuff. Leave the premises, we will escort you out” It just made me sad and angry we give 2 week notices but they fire us like that

I work in IT and the worker is a client's employee, not technically my coworker but we talked and were friendly. I fixed her computer issues and then said have a good afternoon.

Next day she, along with other workers at this company, were laid off. Just like that, one day she expected to go to work like she had been for 2 years and then right before the weekend “You're terminated. Turn in your stuff. Leave the premises, we will escort you out”

It just made me sad and angry we give 2 week notices but they fire us like that

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