Context, skip to get to the point
I (41m) would describe my employment history as, “entry level superstar.”
I joined the Army at 18, got out at 25 then moved around a lot taking whatever job I could. I was moving a lot and doing everything from; fast food to furniture sales (and delivery.. separate jobs), to gas station attendant. I’ve worked in big production warehouses and my latest job, a distribution center for an international grocery chain.
end context
I’ve work at my job for 3 years. I started there right as Covid was becoming a big thing. I worked 10-14 hours a day(our end of day fluctuated depending on workload), doing a physical job.
They fired me because I crossed the attendance point threshold when I called out yesterday. I didn’t know a weekend day was two points, but it put me over the line.
They waited until after last break but before EOD. Pulled my outta my job, said “you’re fired” and escorted me out.
I didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone. When I called him out on firing me on Labor Day, he smugly said, “yup.”
I’ve been on the fence because I’m a basic worker at heart and also been able to get by.
action/suspense sound
Now it’s personal.