
They had to close bc I refused to stay.

This happened 20 years ago and is still a point of pride. I had a 2nd job at a movie theater when I 1st graduated college. Under the GM that hired me it was actually a pretty cool gig, then the company was sold and each GM after that got worse. I no longer needed the job an had turned in my notice. A snow storm hit Saturday night into Sunday. I was scheduled as the projectionist for the day shift. I also rented where I had to shovel out my car PLUS the entire driveway. I got the call that we had a delayed opening when I’d taken a break from shoveling. I was pissed off that I had to go in for 3 hours. (I realize now I could’ve told them to F off and gone back to bed.) A couple hours into my shift (I’d started the…

This happened 20 years ago and is still a point of pride. I had a 2nd job at a movie theater when I 1st graduated college. Under the GM that hired me it was actually a pretty cool gig, then the company was sold and each GM after that got worse.

I no longer needed the job an had turned in my notice. A snow storm hit Saturday night into Sunday. I was scheduled as the projectionist for the day shift. I also rented where I had to shovel out my car PLUS the entire driveway.

I got the call that we had a delayed opening when I’d taken a break from shoveling. I was pissed off that I had to go in for 3 hours. (I realize now I could’ve told them to F off and gone back to bed.)

A couple hours into my shift (I’d started the matinee movies only) the evening projectionist called bc his street hadn’t even been plowed.

The lengths they went to to try to get me to stay were impressive and if I hadn’t already turned in my notice I might’ve taken the money. The last offer they made was double time for a double shift (including the initial 2 hours that we were closed due to the storm) if I’d just start the 7 pm showing. And I just said the same thing I’d said the whole time they thought they were negotiating with me: that my shift was over at 6pm and I was unavailable after that.

We all got sent home early. The theater was closed for the rest of the day. My best day of my working life.

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