
Thinking about quitting but not sure about PTO

So I really despise my job. I’m not constantly overloaded with work but when they do send me things it is pretty overwhelming and nonstop for awhile. I’m also pretty quick at my job so even if they sent me a ton of things, I usually get through them really fast, so you can imagine how much stuff they’re actually sending for me to feel this way. There’s another person working in my department and she doesn’t do much, or is just pretty slow at doing things, so I end up taking the rest of her work to finish so that there isn’t any backlash from our boss. It’s work from home so it should not be this stressful. I’ve been considering quitting for a while. The salary is extremely low. They were trying to find another person to replace someone else and they struggled for a year. I basically…

So I really despise my job. I’m not constantly overloaded with work but when they do send me things it is pretty overwhelming and nonstop for awhile. I’m also pretty quick at my job so even if they sent me a ton of things, I usually get through them really fast, so you can imagine how much stuff they’re actually sending for me to feel this way. There’s another person working in my department and she doesn’t do much, or is just pretty slow at doing things, so I end up taking the rest of her work to finish so that there isn’t any backlash from our boss. It’s work from home so it should not be this stressful.

I’ve been considering quitting for a while. The salary is extremely low. They were trying to find another person to replace someone else and they struggled for a year. I basically worked for free during that time. I do evening on calls as well as weekend on calls. So I don’t really have much free time to myself. I had to ask for payment for working the on calls and at first they did not want to.

Another person that was hired at the same time as me got her Google analytics certificate, and immediately found another job. Another person who was hired at the same time as me was fired after medical leave. Another person quit day of with no notice after working there for six months. My previous boss, who was great, found another job not long after that and told me to quit too. I didn’t take his advice and I’ve still been there for over a year and a half. I’m starting to get a lot of gray hairs and I’m so stressed out and depressed. It’s gotten pretty bad.

There’s little things like micromanaging, and no bonus in the past year, as well as a change in title, but being told that I was not being demoted. It’s all because of the boss who took over. Sends nasty emails and messages, but as soon as you get on a call with her she’s very nice. My previous boss was Director of marketing and my job falls under the scope of marketing. Everything I do is marketing. They decided to make my title call service agent but still give me all the marketing work. My new boss then decided that she would change her title and add Director of marketing to her already existing Director title for another department even though she barely does marketing. I even asked to be made assistant Director of marketing, and they told me no because I would have access to certain files. I already have access to those files as part of my work so I knew that was a blatant lie.

Well anyway, I’ve been wanting to quit for a while, and even though I have not been able to find a job yet, I’m really considering just putting in my two weeks soon.

I have a surgical procedure that I need to get done before I quit work and lose my health insurance. The surgical procedure would happen the week after I quit, so the first of my two weeks. I already requested the time off today. Just a couple days, not the whole week. I plan on putting in my two weeks this upcoming month. Can they take away approved vacation after I put in my two weeks?

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