
Thinking I might get fired soon

I wfh and was recently notified about my work performance and how it would be “taken up with HR” my QA scores recently have been good, but they say I take too long on calls and make it seem like I’m doing it on purpose to avoid extra calls. The next day, they took me offline and have me doing trainings. I was told to be in a meeting and wait for someone to show up and no one did. The whole day I did nothing but trainings. The next day they have me doing the same thing with no other information as to what is going on or how longer I am going to be doing this. If they were going to let me go, I don’t know why they have me waiting so much and for what? I feel so much anxiety just waiting for bad news and…

I wfh and was recently notified about my work performance and how it would be “taken up with HR” my QA scores recently have been good, but they say I take too long on calls and make it seem like I’m doing it on purpose to avoid extra calls. The next day, they took me offline and have me doing trainings. I was told to be in a meeting and wait for someone to show up and no one did. The whole day I did nothing but trainings. The next day they have me doing the same thing with no other information as to what is going on or how longer I am going to be doing this. If they were going to let me go, I don’t know why they have me waiting so much and for what? I feel so much anxiety just waiting for bad news and have been having much mental stress with this job in general even before this happened. I have been applying to jobs, but have not heard anything back yet. I’ve never been fired/let go before, any advice on this situation or any feedback will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

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