
Thinking of requesting a demotion . . .

After lobbying hard for an additional supervisor to take some tasks off my plate, I’ve learned that it will take at least a year (assuming they decide to add the position, which isn’t a given), and I’m not sure I can last until then. I’m a mid-level supervisor with 16-23 direct reports at any given time, and the job really is 24/7. I have to sign off on all district purchases, repairs, timesheets, workers comp, FMLA, HR issues, hiring, etc., and there’s not a day off goes by without a call or text about something that has to be handled more or less immediately. The organization is structured so no one else can do it. Its an untenable situation, and everyone in my organization is aware, but none of the higher-ups is willing to do anything about it, saying, “that’s just part of the job.” However, most of the other…

After lobbying hard for an additional supervisor to take some tasks off my plate, I’ve learned that it will take at least a year (assuming they decide to add the position, which isn’t a given), and I’m not sure I can last until then. I’m a mid-level supervisor with 16-23 direct reports at any given time, and the job really is 24/7. I have to sign off on all district purchases, repairs, timesheets, workers comp, FMLA, HR issues, hiring, etc., and there’s not a day off goes by without a call or text about something that has to be handled more or less immediately. The organization is structured so no one else can do it. Its an untenable situation, and everyone in my organization is aware, but none of the higher-ups is willing to do anything about it, saying, “that’s just part of the job.” However, most of the other districts have two supervisors, just not mine for historic reasons that have nothing to do with workload. And its all for less than teacher starting pay in my area. While I am looking for another job, hopefully one within the same pension plan, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a voluntary demotion. The shift lead position in my district is available, and its such a better gig: 4 ten-hour shifts, potential to earn OT, and I could stop thinking about work on my days off. Its a 10k pay cut, but I could get another part-time job since I’d have three days off per week. Same insurance, keep my pension. The biggest deterrent for me is that I know everyone would be shocked (and would probably look down on me) and who knows what sort of boss they would put over all of us, though three of the current shift leads would be great candidates and they’d have me to train them. Its sucks, though, because I shouldn’t have to do this. My agency has the resources, it doesn’t cost much for them to reclassify an existing vacancy, and I really am good at my job. My district has low turnover and a lot of cohesion. I just don’t think I can manage another year. Has anyone here done anything similar? Any advice for me? Thank you in advance.

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