
This ain’t it, chief

I've been looking for a new job since getting laid off seven months ago. Finances are running real low so I decided to “branch out” and work anywhere even if I'm paid poverty wages. I get contacted by a hotel company looking for someone at their front desk. I go to the interview. Pay is pretty low (fast food pays more, but I refuse to go back to that hell), but it's close to where I live and I'll get the hours I need. Supervisor seems relatable and the schedule is fairly flexible. I get hired. First day and I already start to feel uneasy. I've worked with the public with sales, bookings, events, etc so I get how everything's supposed to go. So it's a matter of knowing where things are and how the system is run. First I'm told to get a food handler's and alcohol distributer permit…

I've been looking for a new job since getting laid off seven months ago. Finances are running real low so I decided to “branch out” and work anywhere even if I'm paid poverty wages.
I get contacted by a hotel company looking for someone at their front desk. I go to the interview. Pay is pretty low (fast food pays more, but I refuse to go back to that hell), but it's close to where I live and I'll get the hours I need. Supervisor seems relatable and the schedule is fairly flexible. I get hired.
First day and I already start to feel uneasy. I've worked with the public with sales, bookings, events, etc so I get how everything's supposed to go. So it's a matter of knowing where things are and how the system is run. First I'm told to get a food handler's and alcohol distributer permit (I think it's called that), and it comes out of pocket. A good $60 that I don't really have that I have to pay for myself. Okay fine.
Find out the gm is a micromanager via the whole “if I see you not working or looking busy for 1 second you're in trouble” thing. The coworkers that tell me this seem scared of him. More uneasiness.
Can't exit or enter through the front doors, even if guests aren't in the lobby. Have to go around through a gate by the dumpsters. Okay?? Apparently employees being seen coming and going is a big no no. But I don't see a big deal if no one what is there.
I don't think I'm staying. The whole thing stinks of toxic traits. Is this really all work has to offer?

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