
This community in my opinion is a bunch of overgrown infants who have been sheltered

This community seems to be full of people who have been sheltered from reality for so long (probably by parent or school) that they think they can just change the reality of life entirely as too not have the burden of needing to put something in to get something out, you know the whole planet relies on work to function from the bees and ants “slaving away” to keep their colony alive and the ecosystem running to humans producing good and services through work to provide for others, a lot of you really need to question yourself at too why you think like this because all I see is a bunch of people who are just plain lazy and don’t need to work because it outsourced by someone else like the government or your parents, and doing all this well trying to convince yourself that your morally superior and care…

This community seems to be full of people who have been sheltered from reality for so long (probably by parent or school) that they think they can just change the reality of life entirely as too not have the burden of needing to put something in to get something out, you know the whole planet relies on work to function from the bees and ants “slaving away” to keep their colony alive and the ecosystem running to humans producing good and services through work to provide for others, a lot of you really need to question yourself at too why you think like this because all I see is a bunch of people who are just plain lazy and don’t need to work because it outsourced by someone else like the government or your parents, and doing all this well trying to convince yourself that your morally superior and care about the working class when the underlying reality is it is out of envy and selfishness. Sorry but if no one worked you’d be fucked the only reason you can have this position is because your in such a privileged situation that you can safely really on others for your survival

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