
This has probably been said thousands of times before in this community, but we are sick and tired and ranting makes me feel better.

I wish that every American would wake the f

I wish that every American would wake the f<@k up and start a f%king revolution. If you're not enraged, you're not paying attention to what is happening in this country.

The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25/hr since July 2009. It's been 14 years of stagnant wages, but the cost of living just keeps soaring higher and higher and higher.

That's funny, I remember most of you bootlickers saying raising wages would cause inflation. I respectfully have to disagree with that. The only people causing inflation are the big shots setting the prices. The ultra rich don't want to foot the cost of paying citizens more, so that expense falls on the shoulders of the working class Americans. We get punished for making more money. The cycle continues.

It might be a completely BONKERS idea, but it should be standard law that if the minimum wage is raised or the hiring wage is raised, then all other existing jobs, no matter what level they are in the workforce, receives the same kind of raise that minimum wage workers do.

The politicians who are all one in the same once you strip them down of their lies, keep saying, “this isn't feasible, we can't afford this,” blah blah blah — but most people I know are just getting by. So who's holding on to all the money floating around in the economy? It's definitely not the working class Americans. Come ON now. We live in one of the richest countries on the planet. They can afford, and they can afford it tenfold, but they don't WANT to.

Meanwhile, we're all too busy fighting over genitals and bathrooms, red vs blue, republican vs democrat, liberal vs conservative, blacks vs whites, etc. Oh, and let's not forget that submarine story which was probably fabricated to distract us all while they take another one of our rights away (have y'all heard about the student loan forgiveness? yeah).

The 10% richest Americans are sitting on 70% of all the money floating around in the US economy, while the rest of us 325+ million Americans are desperately grasping the remaining 30%. They're not even spending it. They're just using their insurmountable wealth to continue generating more of it.

I don't care how “hard they worked,” for their wealth, and I don't care about your sh*tty “American Dream,” of becoming a millionaire someday because “America is the land of opportunity.” These disgusting vultures could take 10% of their wealth and use it to house every single homeless Veteran, heck, they could house every homeless person in this country! They could do that and STILL be richer than 99.95% of the world population.

I'm not saying the rich should be “giViNg oUt HaNdOuTS,” I'm saying that lack of regulation and corporate greed is going to run us all into the ground. It's no wonder that “nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK,” because people are working their asses off and can't even afford to own a home to call their own to show for it. If you're never going to have any money to get ahead anyway, why not just not work at all and be in the same predicament?

A lot of you must not be familiar with how basic economics work. If 70% of US dollars aren't being spent, that means 70% of US dollars isn't being circulated back through the economy. Hence, our shit economy.

I don't give a damn what anyone else says. There is absolutely no reason a single human being should be able to sit on hundreds of billions of dollars, never putting it back into the economy. Sitting on enormous piles of money they and their families could never spend in 1,000 lifetimes even if they tried. Lack of regulation and corporate greed will be the downfall of this country.

We the people could all put our differences aside, band together and overthrow this tyrannical-ass government we have. I'm so sick of seeing everyone point the blame at entire generations and political parties for everything that is wrong in the world.

You can call me crazy, say I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I truly believe that if we continue to lay down and let the government screw us, there will be nothing left but the ultra rich and the dirt poor. They will own us, we will be slaves. Our great grandchildren will be driving their Amazon cars to their Amazon jobs, wearing their Amazon clothes, so they can continue to live in their Amazon apartments, spending their Amazon money because the rich hoarded it all and there's nothing left.

I don't give a shit what anyone says. There's a reason people say EAT THE RICH. Uh, hell yeah, eat the rich! Eat them all, until there's not a bite left. We the people are TIRED.

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