My employer is changing our attendance and break policy, and doing away with morning and afternoon paid breaks, so I figured I'd just double check if they're actually allowed to do that. (The answer is yes.) But then I stumbled across this little gem:
What is the maximum number of hours per day my employer can make me work?
Theoretically your employer can make you work 24 hours a day unless you are under the age of 16.
(emphasis added)
I'm sorry… what? Does this not seem like an insane thing for a human being to say? This seems like such a self-condemning statement! They're essentially saying, “By not quitting you're saying you're fine with employers treating you however they want, and the government's fine with it, too.”
I get it. America has terrible labor protections. I don't know why I'm still surprised. But I'm not crazy, right? This just seems like a totally unreasonable thing to explicitly permit.