
This is absolute overkill for Boss’s Day.

My coworker wanted $25 from each employee (there is 4 of us) for a $100 gift card for our boss for Boss’s Day. But, oh no, that’s not enough. We all must also treat her to her favorite restaurant, which the last time we went they served me undercooked ground beef. I refuse to participate in this nonsense. I gave the damn $25 so I didn’t have to hear about it. But I am absolutely not going to lunch with all of them. I draw the line there. I should have for the $25. But it’s whatever… Honestly, I don’t know why she’s even doing this. All she does is complain about our boss when she’s not at work. You complain about her, but then you want to give her a big gift card and treat her to lunch for a fake holiday? Makes no sense. A card and/or like…a…

My coworker wanted $25 from each employee (there is 4 of us) for a $100 gift card for our boss for Boss’s Day. But, oh no, that’s not enough. We all must also treat her to her favorite restaurant, which the last time we went they served me undercooked ground beef.

I refuse to participate in this nonsense. I gave the damn $25 so I didn’t have to hear about it. But I am absolutely not going to lunch with all of them. I draw the line there. I should have for the $25. But it’s whatever…

Honestly, I don’t know why she’s even doing this. All she does is complain about our boss when she’s not at work. You complain about her, but then you want to give her a big gift card and treat her to lunch for a fake holiday? Makes no sense. A card and/or like…a mug would have been plenty sufficient…

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