
this is legal, which is stupid

So, I work. And I hate working. And because of this, I am prone to needing mental breaks. I am also a chronically ill person who has a ton of FMLA. I have been needing a break, and good ol HR sent out an email reminding everyone to use their PTO before the end of the year. I go to request time, and what do I see? I have 7 hours of PTO left for the whole year. I have not taken any breaks, so I’m confused and mad as hell. I ask HR who the fuck messed up my precious PTO. They tell me my PTO was applied to some of my FMLA leave without my fucking knowledge. My FMLA is big, I can use it up to 3 days a week, every week, for every month. On good months, I call out maybe once every two weeks. In…

So, I work. And I hate working. And because of this, I am prone to needing mental breaks. I am also a chronically ill person who has a ton of FMLA.

I have been needing a break, and good ol HR sent out an email reminding everyone to use their PTO before the end of the year. I go to request time, and what do I see? I have 7 hours of PTO left for the whole year. I have not taken any breaks, so I’m confused and mad as hell. I ask HR who the fuck messed up my precious PTO. They tell me my PTO was applied to some of my FMLA leave without my fucking knowledge.

My FMLA is big, I can use it up to 3 days a week, every week, for every month. On good months, I call out maybe once every two weeks. In the past, I have requested PTO be applied to my unpaid leave, but that was after the leave and I explicitly asked for it. That has not been the case at all this year so far.

When they told me about not getting my permission to use my PTO for my FMLA, I immediately am like “okay, that can’t be legal???”. Well, it is. So, fuck me I guess!

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