
This is messed up, right?

I just want to use ya’ll as a sounding board for some of the red flags I’m seeing at a family member’s company they just started working at. It’s a small marketing company in one of the most expensive cities in the US. Less than 20 employees with a very high turnover rate. They hire Account Coordinators with rates starting $1 more per hour than the local minimum wage, but of course they must have a degree and some relevant experience. They can’t give raises to their employees but they invite them all to work overtime to make more money if they need it. That as a concept just seems so wrong to me. Am I crazy or is this BS?

I just want to use ya’ll as a sounding board for some of the red flags I’m seeing at a family member’s company they just started working at. It’s a small marketing company in one of the most expensive cities in the US. Less than 20 employees with a very high turnover rate. They hire Account Coordinators with rates starting $1 more per hour than the local minimum wage, but of course they must have a degree and some relevant experience. They can’t give raises to their employees but they invite them all to work overtime to make more money if they need it. That as a concept just seems so wrong to me. Am I crazy or is this BS?

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