
This is my chance I’m gonna do my best!!

Trying to get fired. I have a job interview on Monday at 2:30pm. My work wants me here all day Monday to work for a coworker who’s gonna be out that day. I have between now and 2pm on Monday to get fired. I said I had a doctors appointment but they told me to reschedule. I’m not guaranteed that job so it has to be unemployment. I can’t just quit and go to the job interview. Place that’s hiring only has that day to do interviews. I have a ton of stuff to fix that I put on wrong on quickbooks. I’ve asked a couple questions and the lady has answered with “I don’t know just look at the pdf for it” a couple times. I think if I got fired for being slow and stupid I’d be covered by just that for unemployment. I’m doing next to nothing…

Trying to get fired. I have a job interview on Monday at 2:30pm. My work wants me here all day Monday to work for a coworker who’s gonna be out that day. I have between now and 2pm on Monday to get fired. I said I had a doctors appointment but they told me to reschedule. I’m not guaranteed that job so it has to be unemployment. I can’t just quit and go to the job interview. Place that’s hiring only has that day to do interviews.

I have a ton of stuff to fix that I put on wrong on quickbooks. I’ve asked a couple questions and the lady has answered with “I don’t know just look at the pdf for it” a couple times. I think if I got fired for being slow and stupid I’d be covered by just that for unemployment. I’m doing next to nothing and pretending to do all of it. Either that or screw it up more. Wish me luck and give me tips if you have them!

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