
This is my job. It sucks in its extreme uselessness to society. I feel terribly guilty, but it was the only offer I got after months of searching.

I had been hustling as a freelancer doing everything under the sun to not have a W-2 job, but my last few contracts dried up at the same time and I had no choice in order to support my daughter (I’m a single mom, 43F). I tried to find work with hundreds of companies and got this job. Like, I didn’t make this meme, but when I saw it I almost cried. I am SEEN. Now, I feel guilty because I literally do useless tasks 10 years below my experience level and the company is a fucking joke. A bunch of middle age Millennial assholes pretending to be VC bros in the most boring industry imaginable. I keep getting high at work because otherwise my anxiety goes through the roof. I hate work. Hate corporate fuck heads. Hate how people are so fake and also how leadership is like brainwashing…

I had been hustling as a freelancer doing everything under the sun to not have a W-2 job, but my last few contracts dried up at the same time and I had no choice in order to support my daughter (I’m a single mom, 43F).

I tried to find work with hundreds of companies and got this job. Like, I didn’t make this meme, but when I saw it I almost cried. I am SEEN.

Now, I feel guilty because I literally do useless tasks 10 years below my experience level and the company is a fucking joke. A bunch of middle age Millennial assholes pretending to be VC bros in the most boring industry imaginable. I keep getting high at work because otherwise my anxiety goes through the roof.

I hate work. Hate corporate fuck heads. Hate how people are so fake and also how leadership is like brainwashing us to give a flying fuck (and some people actually DO!). I feel like I’m living in a cross between The Truman Show and Get Out.

Fuck. Rant over.

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