
This is probably the final stop for me

Years after being discharged from the military thrown away as I'm garbage, took a few years to get my life back then the 08 crisis came along. Been to school all the way up to near Masters. Have had numerous health problems but kept going (told to suck it up and shut up by family , doctors, etc) and was a fighter in abusive work environments until last year when my employer drove me to near suicide. Finally broke down went to the VA and getting great care. My health problems aren't getting any better and neither is my mental health. For the most part I work in a protected environment I'd say sterile work from home minimal interactions but we got a new manager (you know one to show who's boss) and things are changing. Talking to us like kids, pretending he's a people person, “late night” grind to…

Years after being discharged from the military thrown away as I'm garbage, took a few years to get my life back then the 08 crisis came along. Been to school all the way up to near Masters. Have had numerous health problems but kept going (told to suck it up and shut up by family , doctors, etc) and was a fighter in abusive work environments until last year when my employer drove me to near suicide.

Finally broke down went to the VA and getting great care. My health problems aren't getting any better and neither is my mental health. For the most part I work in a protected environment I'd say sterile work from home minimal interactions but we got a new manager (you know one to show who's boss) and things are changing. Talking to us like kids, pretending he's a people person, “late night” grind to the grave.

I'm preparing the last of my claims and this is it. I can't handle society anymore. I'm nearly deaf and it's too fast paced. The doctors that aren't scared to help me are doing so and I'm greatful. It nice to know after all the years of them throwing my medical records and running out of the office like I'm some deranged bat shit fuck (I guess I finally am?).

I wish I took the opportunity to stand up for myself but instead here I am broken and feel like a drain on society. I wish I could have had this subreddit back in 08 when I worked for my college making a measley $9.10 an hour (let me get down voted for the massive amount of money that was in 08).

I paid my dues to society. I paid my student loans. I went to school. I got into some trouble when I was younger but straightened out because I didn't want to end up in jail. I just want to die peacefully and be buried in a VA cemetery. All I can do now is give my son what I've got left since he's carrying on by himself later on in life. Give him what he needs to be successful. Foster some dogs. I'll make enough fixed income to cover my mortgage utilities and some food not including my wife's income. All I want is peace ️

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