
This is that BS!

I am so f@cking done with my job! Work today, was a shit show! I walk in and see that there's only 4 of us working at the pharmacy. The pharmacist (The one that we all like, respect and love to have there), 2 technicians and then me, for a total of 4 people. The kicker of all of this, is the fact that we were supposed to have 2 pharmacists at work today, but one wasn't there because she had Jury Duty, and didn't let anyone know!!! For those of you who don't know what Jury Duty is, its basically a summons of sorts to act as a member of the jury in court. Failure to show up will reault in a fine. You get a letter for Jury Duty, weeks or months in advance. This fucking woman didn't tell HR, Corporate or ANYONE that she wasn't going to…

I am so f@cking done with my job!

Work today, was a shit show! I walk in and see that there's only 4 of us working at the pharmacy. The pharmacist (The one that we all like, respect and love to have there), 2 technicians and then me, for a total of 4 people. The kicker of all of this, is the fact that we were supposed to have 2 pharmacists at work today, but one wasn't there because she had Jury Duty, and didn't let anyone know!!!

For those of you who don't know what Jury Duty is, its basically a summons of sorts to act as a member of the jury in court. Failure to show up will reault in a fine.

You get a letter for Jury Duty, weeks or months in advance. This fucking woman didn't tell HR, Corporate or ANYONE that she wasn't going to be able to be at work today so they could find someone to cover her shift! She didn't even try to find someone to cover for her! She's the pharmacist manager!!

We found out yesterday about the Jury Duty apparently!

Not only that, we were still trying to finish filling prescriptions from Monday.


The pharmacist at work had to leave as we closed for lunch, which meant that there wasn't going to be a pharmacist on site! And by company policy, the pharmacy would be closed!


We had to come back after lunch, clock in at the front of the store, and tell people that the pharmacy would was closed because there was no pharmacist, and it would remain closed until HR could find one to come to our location. We even had to put a sign stating this out in the drive-thru window.

Now, you'd think they would find someone within the our cause they've done that before, right?


No pharmacist came!

We couldn't even be in the pharmacy trying to fill prescriptions and attempt to catch up!

My coworkers and I were just there. Telling people the pharmacy was closed and the reason for that, and then one of the girls and I were asked to check expiration dates on items, just so we were doing something.

About 2 hours later, we are told that our Pharmacist Manager would be arriving at our work location after Jury Duty, at around 6:00 pm.

We were pissed and annoyed and none of us believed it. If she did show up, we were more than likely leaving.

By the time it was 6:00 pm, she was a no show and we stopped telling people the pharmacy was closed, they would walk in, see it and walk out or come ask at the front.

Some people were real upset. Some even wanted to transfer and we couldn't even do that!

Tomorrow I go in again, and it's our Manager that's going to be there. We have no more respect for this irresponsible woman, and we will have to work on filling prescriptions from yesterday (Tuesday) today (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday)

We don't get paid enough for this shit!

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