
This is what a strong union can do

Where I work the majority of the workers belong to a union. My co-worker recently had a life change and was driving a total of 3 hours to work and home everyday. She found, interviewed, and accepted the same position in another division that was much closer to where she lived. Well the division the myself and her work at, were short staffed. She stayed on for over 3 months making that commute. She didn't know when she would start in the division that was closer to her. We all encouraged her to talk to our union rep, stating she should at least get a company car to make that commute. Well she finally did. It was spectacular. They had a meeting with her, the union rep, her supervisor, and HR. The result of the meeting is this-she's starting at different division within 7 days. The company is cutting her…

Where I work the majority of the workers belong to a union. My co-worker recently had a life change and was driving a total of 3 hours to work and home everyday. She found, interviewed, and accepted the same position in another division that was much closer to where she lived. Well the division the myself and her work at, were short staffed. She stayed on for over 3 months making that commute. She didn't know when she would start in the division that was closer to her. We all encouraged her to talk to our union rep, stating she should at least get a company car to make that commute.

Well she finally did.

It was spectacular. They had a meeting with her, the union rep, her supervisor, and HR. The result of the meeting is this-she's starting at different division within 7 days. The company is cutting her a check for mileage and overtime (due to the commute) for the last 2 months. She's getting what she wants along with at least a 4k check for her troubles. Unions and worker's rights matter.

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