
This is why I don’t wanna work

So we work until we’re almost dead and we can retire when we’re 66, our expected life span is 76-80’s, so we pretty much work until we are down to a brittle skeleton with health defects and can’t do anything we wanna do like, travel, go on runs, have kids, get married and more because WE CAN’T. I don’t wanna work till I die so, if I was offered a job that gave me 20k a hour or a job that paid me $9 per hour then obviously I would pick the one that paid more. Even if the one that pays $9 is easier, at least I can have a house.

So we work until we’re almost dead and we can retire when we’re 66, our expected life span is 76-80’s, so we pretty much work until we are down to a brittle skeleton with health defects and can’t do anything we wanna do like, travel, go on runs, have kids, get married and more because WE CAN’T. I don’t wanna work till I die so, if I was offered a job that gave me 20k a hour or a job that paid me $9 per hour then obviously I would pick the one that paid more. Even if the one that pays $9 is easier, at least I can have a house.

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