
This Job Was A Huge Mistake

I accepted a job offer this past April and I am incredibly upset at myself for doing so. I would just like to list all of the reasons I hate my job and throw them into the cybervoid. You may disregard; this is my therapy. There is no structure in this small business I’m working ~60 hours a week, 6 days a week leadership are manipulative assholes and sitting on their ivory towers job came with a house on property, turns out that’s a terrible idea, who would’ve thought?! I accepted the job from my two best friends, they are my roommates. Turns out that was a terrible idea too. This is an industry I despise and I am not good at. I knew I had a different lifestyle from my friends, living with them is hell for me. Face to face, constant interaction with customers daily is mentally destroying…

I accepted a job offer this past April and I am incredibly upset at myself for doing so. I would just like to list all of the reasons I hate my job and throw them into the cybervoid. You may disregard; this is my therapy.

  • There is no structure in this small business
  • I’m working ~60 hours a week, 6 days a week
  • leadership are manipulative assholes and sitting on their ivory towers
  • job came with a house on property, turns out that’s a terrible idea, who would’ve thought?!
  • I accepted the job from my two best friends, they are my roommates. Turns out that was a terrible idea too.
  • This is an industry I despise and I am not good at.
  • I knew I had a different lifestyle from my friends, living with them is hell for me.
  • Face to face, constant interaction with customers daily is mentally destroying me.
  • Partly accepted the job to forget about a breakup; that wasn’t a good idea either because the work stress is bubbling up the stuff I haven’t processed.
  • I am simply overwhelmed and not suited for this job.
  • There is a conflict of interest and a feeling of being trapped because quitting = I throw my friends under the bus and the business suffers and I move out.

Pros include:
– a beautiful view

Thank you for your time.

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