
This might sound dramatic but… if I have to return to the office full time, I really don’t see the point in life anymore

Working remotely I’m basically scheduled for 10+ hour days and often another 12+ hours of being on standby in case something goes wrong. I’m often asked to work weekends. I’m entirely, 100%, burned out. I genuinely hate my job. I’m unhappy with life entirely And all this is when the job was remote. They recently went to a hybrid schedule and I absolutely fucking abhor every single day in the office so fucking much. I can’t stand my coworkers. The work environment is stressful and miserable. They seem just as stressed and unhappy as me so when anything happens everyone blows up My commute is insanely long cause, despite working my ass off all the time, rent is still stupid high in my city and I feel like I can’t get ahead. Public transit is falling apart here so I gotta drive in and pay a ton of money to…

Working remotely I’m basically scheduled for 10+ hour days and often another 12+ hours of being on standby in case something goes wrong. I’m often asked to work weekends. I’m entirely, 100%, burned out. I genuinely hate my job. I’m unhappy with life entirely

And all this is when the job was remote. They recently went to a hybrid schedule and I absolutely fucking abhor every single day in the office so fucking much. I can’t stand my coworkers. The work environment is stressful and miserable. They seem just as stressed and unhappy as me so when anything happens everyone blows up

My commute is insanely long cause, despite working my ass off all the time, rent is still stupid high in my city and I feel like I can’t get ahead. Public transit is falling apart here so I gotta drive in and pay a ton of money to park at work (seriously, this should be illegal)

I wake up, I go to a job I hate, I go to the gym, then I usually drink and fall asleep. I know it’s destroying my body and mind. Most weekends now I literally don’t even get out of bed, not even to eat. I just don’t know what else to do anymore

Now I hear rumors that they want us to be in the office 5 days a week and I feel like, what’s even the point of anything anymore? If it’s just gonna be working this miserable job as my entire life, not even making enough to afford a house and a retirement, what’s the point?

Also why can my entire life be dictated by the whims of some rich asshole? He just decides “I like the office, but I’m lonely, everyone come back and keep me company” and people have to uproot their lives for it

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