
This shouldn’t be a controversial idea, and yet…

What is the point of work if you work full-time but still need public assistance for basic survival? Likewise, what is the point of work if the taxes you pay go (in part) to fund a form of public assistance that benefits corporations claiming record-breaking profits? Allowing this dysfunctional reality of work to continue is, IMHO, the equivalent of Walmart and other corporations receiving “worker stamps” while their employees receive “food stamps”. (To be clear, I’m in favor of people receiving public assistance when needed, obvs. I’m not in favor of corporations and their overlords being able to rake in megaprofits at the expense of American taxpayers and American workers.)

What is the point of work if you work full-time but still need public assistance for basic survival?

Likewise, what is the point of work if the taxes you pay go (in part) to fund a form of public assistance that benefits corporations claiming record-breaking profits?

Allowing this dysfunctional reality of work to continue is, IMHO, the equivalent of Walmart and other corporations receiving “worker stamps” while their employees receive “food stamps”.

(To be clear, I’m in favor of people receiving public assistance when needed, obvs. I’m not in favor of corporations and their overlords being able to rake in megaprofits at the expense of American taxpayers and American workers.)

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