
This stupid country is getting to me more and more.

Just saw the whole reversing child labor laws thing. Why are we going back in time? Hope everyone who says “Wish it was like the good old days!” Sees that this was in the good old days. Fuck this. Maybe if kids start getting killed in dangerous jobs then there'll be an change back. Or you know, it'd be covered up and people will scream “Just have more kids!!” Cause you know, people are replaceable and no one actually cares unless you work yourself to death to make capitalism work for others. That's most likely why they want abortion abolished, more workers. More slaves. Fuck this country. Fuck all this. Certain people are stupid.

Just saw the whole reversing child labor laws thing.

Why are we going back in time? Hope everyone who says “Wish it was like the good old days!” Sees that this was in the good old days.
Fuck this. Maybe if kids start getting killed in dangerous jobs then there'll be an change back. Or you know, it'd be covered up and people will scream “Just have more kids!!” Cause you know, people are replaceable and no one actually cares unless you work yourself to death to make capitalism work for others. That's most likely why they want abortion abolished, more workers. More slaves.

Fuck this country. Fuck all this. Certain people are stupid.

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