
This sub has become ‘I hate my job’ instead of anti work

The way this subreddit was shown to me had to do with the Chinese movement of ‘Tang Ping’ or ‘lying flat’. This movement seems to me like doing the bare minimum to have a simple and subtle life and never going above or beyond. Sounds depressing and induced by years of oppressive communism. I don’t remember the second stage of this, but it basically had to do with workers saying fuck it and wandering into the countryside and woods to start living off their own determination, by themselves or in smaller communities. Some of these Chinese workers would actually lie flat at work in protest of the societal conditions put upon them. I thought this subreddit would be a bit more focused on anti work rather than bitching about work. Where are the calls for unions or collaborative efforts to discuss better working environments? There’s so little conversations about what…

The way this subreddit was shown to me had to do with the Chinese movement of ‘Tang Ping’ or ‘lying flat’. This movement seems to me like doing the bare minimum to have a simple and subtle life and never going above or beyond. Sounds depressing and induced by years of oppressive communism. I don’t remember the second stage of this, but it basically had to do with workers saying fuck it and wandering into the countryside and woods to start living off their own determination, by themselves or in smaller communities. Some of these Chinese workers would actually lie flat at work in protest of the societal conditions put upon them.

I thought this subreddit would be a bit more focused on anti work rather than bitching about work. Where are the calls for unions or collaborative efforts to discuss better working environments? There’s so little conversations about what work should do for people and so much about work sucking, and it’s mostly fueled by a hatred of management or above. Do people not know they can call for a wide protest here? I feel like the Chinese anti work movement is more understanding of the societal pressure as a problem, where as here in the United States people are more mad at their boss than the system that created and enforced their boss.

The American workforce is pretty fucked right now. I have a decent job I enjoy more than 50% of the time. I also feel like I’ll never be able to afford a house or even kids. The struggle is real, but bitching about your boss mike and his lackey Sharon is just blowing off steam, doing nothing for the cause of anti work, which I thought this sub was about.

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