
This thought kills me.

The thought and understanding as a working in the day to day life of medical facilities. Ie nursing homes, disability care centers and such. The staff that takes care of people's loved ones are a lot of the time paid the same or less than a fast food worker. Nothing against fast food workers cause I love y'all and know you bust ass. Just the thought that grandma is hourly equivalent to a Bigmac meal is sickening. We have a medical staffing shortage because fast food and Walmart pay more an hour. I don't want to abandon the patients but I've done over 730 hours this year already.

The thought and understanding as a working in the day to day life of medical facilities. Ie nursing homes, disability care centers and such. The staff that takes care of people's loved ones are a lot of the time paid the same or less than a fast food worker. Nothing against fast food workers cause I love y'all and know you bust ass. Just the thought that grandma is hourly equivalent to a Bigmac meal is sickening. We have a medical staffing shortage because fast food and Walmart pay more an hour. I don't want to abandon the patients but I've done over 730 hours this year already.

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