
Those damn customers

I've been working as a cashier for 5 months to save money to travel, and I'm never going back there. It's one thing that customers are rude to you and treat you like crap, but our managers tell us to treat customers like kings and queens even if they're being rude to us. They tell us to be carpets, to be doormats, that the customer is always right and to do ANYTHING to please them. So a customer disrespects me and my work but I'm not allowed to say anything because it'll reflect badly on the brand? Well fuck it, I'm leaving. I'm not gonna let people treat me like shit and, on top of that, go above and beyond to make sure they're happy (while being paid like crap).

I've been working as a cashier for 5 months to save money to travel, and I'm never going back there. It's one thing that customers are rude to you and treat you like crap, but our managers tell us to treat customers like kings and queens even if they're being rude to us. They tell us to be carpets, to be doormats, that the customer is always right and to do ANYTHING to please them.

So a customer disrespects me and my work but I'm not allowed to say anything because it'll reflect badly on the brand? Well fuck it, I'm leaving. I'm not gonna let people treat me like shit and, on top of that, go above and beyond to make sure they're happy (while being paid like crap).

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