
Those of you who have quit and made your real feelings known, was it worth it?

I'm currently looking for a new role. This is due to a number of reasons, including the new jobs I'm looking at potentially being really good experience for me. But also in part because of an awful manager. This guy has all the classic hallmarks of a poor manager. Micromanaging, speaks over everyone, highlights mistakes, poor communication, bullyish attitude. I'm tempted to tell the company what I really think when I leave, by telling them I'm leaving because I don't want to work with this guy. But is it worth it? Has anyone done this in the past, and if so, did you get any gratification from it? looking back was the good feeling just for a short period of time? Or are you still happy you got things off your chest.

I'm currently looking for a new role. This is due to a number of reasons, including the new jobs I'm looking at potentially being really good experience for me.

But also in part because of an awful manager. This guy has all the classic hallmarks of a poor manager. Micromanaging, speaks over everyone, highlights mistakes, poor communication, bullyish attitude.
I'm tempted to tell the company what I really think when I leave, by telling them I'm leaving because I don't want to work with this guy.

But is it worth it? Has anyone done this in the past, and if so, did you get any gratification from it?

looking back was the good feeling just for a short period of time? Or are you still happy you got things off your chest.

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