
Thoughts on “meals served by leaders” events?

Does anyone else find those “meals served by leaders” events kind of humiliating? Today my work had a “breakfast served by leaders” event where they had a lot of the top brass serving pancakes to the employees. It’s catered from a brunch place down the road from the office. When I went to check it out- it was clear that they had spent well over $500 on this with all the different food options. I thought it was a nice idea at first but when I stood there watching the vice president of operations or whatever, the lady who makes more in an hour than I do in a week, ask me if I wanted one pancake or two I sort of felt like shit. The same company who said it just wasn’t viable to give me a raise when I presented my literal bills compared to the cost of…

Does anyone else find those “meals served by leaders” events kind of humiliating?

Today my work had a “breakfast served by leaders” event where they had a lot of the top brass serving pancakes to the employees.

It’s catered from a brunch place down the road from the office. When I went to check it out- it was clear that they had spent well over $500 on this with all the different food options. I thought it was a nice idea at first but when I stood there watching the vice president of operations or whatever, the lady who makes more in an hour than I do in a week, ask me if I wanted one pancake or two I sort of felt like shit.

The same company who said it just wasn’t viable to give me a raise when I presented my literal bills compared to the cost of living in my area spent all this money on this stupid event that made the executives feel better about treating everyone awful.

Half of the executives there had to be flown in from the main office- that means the company is paying for the flight, accommodation, and meals for these executives for three days so they can serve pancakes and attend the holiday party. Then they should I can’t get a raise and I should grateful that we do performance-reviews that may result in me getting a raise every year, since that is “unheard of in our industry.”. This was also the first time I even saw many leaders in person, even though the vice president of whatever was the one who made the decision to not allowing working from home for anyone not in management.

Never attending an event like this again- I have never felt as worthless as I did when I was standing there discussing pancakes with someone who couldn’t care less if I dropped dead tomorrow- they would just find someone else to replace me. Anyone have thoughts on this? I know free food is free food, and they did order from an expensive place that (ironically) I would not be able to afford otherwise.

Now I know it it’s not worth the way it makes me feel. Other coworkers thought it was nice. Maybe I’m just bitter. Thoughts?

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