
Thr concept of loyalty is to brainwash us

Seriously, the only reason we work-the only reason we have a job- is for the money. If we won the lottery we'd go traveling and then come back and work on creative passion project, but not for money. So everytime I hear “we gotta be loyal to the company, they're treating us right” Are they? My company pays me the lowest because they know I won't leave since my commute is so close. My coworker only got a raise because he got offered another job. And if I did leave they wouldn't give two shits after they found a new replacement. Loyalty under the coercion of getting fired is just slavery

Seriously, the only reason we work-the only reason we have a job- is for the money. If we won the lottery we'd go traveling and then come back and work on creative passion project, but not for money.

So everytime I hear “we gotta be loyal to the company, they're treating us right”

Are they? My company pays me the lowest because they know I won't leave since my commute is so close. My coworker only got a raise because he got offered another job. And if I did leave they wouldn't give two shits after they found a new replacement.

Loyalty under the coercion of getting fired is just slavery

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