
Threatened with physical violence at work and have been unsure what to do.

As the title says I was threatened with physical violence by a superior at work the week before last and while I did report it to the manager/owner (she very likely overheard it as well) it doesn't seem like anything was really done aside from maybe a stern talking to (which even that I doubt), and ever since I have had legitimate concerns about this other person acting on their threat and constantly feel the need to avoid turning my back and watch over my shoulder whenever I do. While I have been thinking about it daily I unfortunately can't afford to just quit, and although I have been looking for a new job, it is extremely hard to find work in the area I am in which leaves me kind of stuck currently. To say I am stressed out is a massive understatement. My problem is there are no…

As the title says I was threatened with physical violence by a superior at work the week before last and while I did report it to the manager/owner (she very likely overheard it as well) it doesn't seem like anything was really done aside from maybe a stern talking to (which even that I doubt), and ever since I have had legitimate concerns about this other person acting on their threat and constantly feel the need to avoid turning my back and watch over my shoulder whenever I do.

While I have been thinking about it daily I unfortunately can't afford to just quit, and although I have been looking for a new job, it is extremely hard to find work in the area I am in which leaves me kind of stuck currently. To say I am stressed out is a massive understatement.

My problem is there are no cameras or anything indoors, and when the incident occurred there wasn't really anyone else around in the general area, so while they may have heard him blowing up at first (while I ignored him) nobody would have heard him as he was walking away and said “I'll f#$%ing knock you out” under his breath, except for maybe the manager as she walked through the door to see what was going on, so unless I can get the manager to do something about it, or catch her in conversation admitting to him threatening me, I technically don't have any proof. Which is why I have not reported it to the police yet.

My concern is if I do, and they question the manager and she does not admit to anything and sweeps it under the rug, I would be reprimanded in some way if not fired. My thought is the only option I have is to try and talk to the manager (while recording the conversation) and some how get her to admit to them threatening me, so I can the report it to the Police and maybe have a restraining order filed against them. But aside from that I am at a loss as to what I should do, and would very much appreciate any advice from someone more familiar with these types of workplace issues and laws surrounding them, or information from anyone who has gone through a similar experience.

TLDR; I was threatened at work but can't technically prove it because no cameras. Is my only option trying to “trick” someone to admitting the threat took place and recording the conversation?

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