
Thus movie scene has an the biggest impression on me since the first day of my first job. Without union’s this is the capitalist dream. I was lucky to have great teachers in high school who made a point about unions and labor. They made us watch old labor strike movies. They explained government really well. I've always loved reading about politics. John Stewart was another comedian who was really a politician for the small man. Also this scene alone shows you that one manager who really has no real power taking wages away. Stealing wages sorry. This is the big conservative love line They spew everywhere. The capitalist dream. What dream??. Working all day every day for the rich to not pay taxes and change laws?? Rant over.

I was lucky to have great teachers in high school who made a point about unions and labor. They made us watch old labor strike movies. They explained government really well. I've always loved reading about politics. John Stewart was another comedian who was really a politician for the small man.

Also this scene alone shows you that one manager who really has no real power taking wages away. Stealing wages sorry. This is the big conservative love line They spew everywhere. The capitalist dream. What dream??. Working all day every day for the rich to not pay taxes and change laws??

Rant over.

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