
TIL that companies use a software to read resumes…

…and mine wasn’t passing. I was wondering why I was getting almost zero responses after two months and over 50 jobs applied to. Now I get to start at square one and work retail for income until I find something more fulfilling. I’ve been feeling pretty down about work and this kinda didn’t help. Too bad my bf and I kinda need my income to live or I’d keep enjoying taking care of the apartment, cooking, beading, and playing games. RIP to enjoying life

…and mine wasn’t passing. I was wondering why I was getting almost zero responses after two months and over 50 jobs applied to. Now I get to start at square one and work retail for income until I find something more fulfilling. I’ve been feeling pretty down about work and this kinda didn’t help. Too bad my bf and I kinda need my income to live or I’d keep enjoying taking care of the apartment, cooking, beading, and playing games. RIP to enjoying life

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