
Time Card Fraud

I'm going to try to make this post as painless as possible. I worked at my job for almost 2 years and was recently put on a 60 day probation for taking phone calls on the job. These were long calls, I admit it was wrong and I let them take the time out of my paycheck. Then they gave me a form to sign that says if I mess up at all, it can be cause for termination. This included taking phone calls (rest breaks excluded). A month later, I come into work and I'm fired for “time card fraud”. I was really confused and asked what that meant and my manager was very vague about it. I didn't want to be there any longer so I left without any further questions. It was bugging me so a few days later I emailed one of the upper managers and…

I'm going to try to make this post as painless as possible.

I worked at my job for almost 2 years and was recently put on a 60 day probation for taking phone calls on the job. These were long calls, I admit it was wrong and I let them take the time out of my paycheck. Then they gave me a form to sign that says if I mess up at all, it can be cause for termination. This included taking phone calls (rest breaks excluded).

A month later, I come into work and I'm fired for
“time card fraud”. I was really confused and asked what that meant and my manager was very vague about it. I didn't want to be there any longer so I left without any further questions.

It was bugging me so a few days later I emailed one of the upper managers and asked her specifically what I had done. I got an email back saying:

“Hello ()
Thank you for reaching out.
On August 18th after you proceeded to tell instructor () and instructor () to leave the front office you proceeded to follow them into the breakroom and were on your cell phone.
You have been reminded previously to not have your phone out and during this time you were not on a scheduled rest or meal break.

After these couple of minutes you continued working in the facility.

Best Regards,
Regional Experience Manager”

I was fired for going into the break room and checking my phone for MAYBE 2 minutes. She says I was not on a scheduled rest break. I have NEVER had a rest break scheduled in my whole time there. For lunch breaks, sure but not 15 minute rest breaks.
Am I going crazy or is this kind of messed up? I know they probably just wanted to get rid of me, I guess but they could have probably came up with something better than that.
I just really need some opinions here, I feel like I’m going crazy, lol. Thank you!!

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