
Time off not approved

Hey so I was looking for a bit of advice of how to approach this situation. I was saving up my PTO/ holidays until the end of the year and finally requested everything off yesterday and started planning my trips to leave the states. After coming into work today my boss informed me I didn't have the time and would have to change my plans. This confused me because I took off 9 days of 14 days left and it let me request it meaning it was there. Under further review I checked my logs for my vacation time that was approved and everything added up but when he showed me on the portal there was way more time used then I personally requested off which seems off. He talked to me and said we are going to have a meeting tomorrow about it and figure out if there's any…

Hey so I was looking for a bit of advice of how to approach this situation. I was saving up my PTO/ holidays until the end of the year and finally requested everything off yesterday and started planning my trips to leave the states. After coming into work today my boss informed me I didn't have the time and would have to change my plans. This confused me because I took off 9 days of 14 days left and it let me request it meaning it was there. Under further review I checked my logs for my vacation time that was approved and everything added up but when he showed me on the portal there was way more time used then I personally requested off which seems off. He talked to me and said we are going to have a meeting tomorrow about it and figure out if there's any conflicts. I came here because I personally feel wronged, all year I was under the assumption I had X amount of time but obviously that was wrong and how was I supposed to know this if they failed to update this information on a regular basis. Is there anything I could do to gain this time back even if it's proven that I used it since it was never posted that it was taken from me in the first place?

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