
time worked not on paystubs

First real post on Reddit so this will probably be a rant. But I just wanted to get others opinions on a situation that still brings questions to my thoughts. For background, I’m currently not working at this job because I needed to take a break and travel for a bit. Everyone bitches and complains about their jobs and usually I’ve done it within my coworker group. Now that I’ve been gone from the job, I had time to think and talk to a long-term friend of mine. I began to reconsider my work issues. Now I don’t know if it’s that big of an issue or not, but hours on the paystubs aren’t recorded. The place that i worked at had an old terrible point-of-sale system. I eventually convinced the owner and COO to move over to a better one. This streamlined a lot of functions and made the…

First real post on Reddit so this will probably be a rant. But I just wanted to get others opinions on a situation that still brings questions to my thoughts.

For background, I’m currently not working at this job because I needed to take a break and travel for a bit. Everyone bitches and complains about their jobs and usually I’ve done it within my coworker group. Now that I’ve been gone from the job, I had time to think and talk to a long-term friend of mine. I began to reconsider my work issues.

Now I don’t know if it’s that big of an issue or not, but hours on the paystubs aren’t recorded. The place that i worked at had an old terrible point-of-sale system. I eventually convinced the owner and COO to move over to a better one. This streamlined a lot of functions and made the company function a fraction smoother. As the POS wasn’t the only old thing around.

Overall, it is way easier now to track hours and it even gives a function to help with the process of paying employees, direct deposit even. Now, my employer still uses an accountant, of course, for ways that don’t make sense to me. The employer uses the accountant to pay us via paper checks. Physical checks that don’t include hours worked. Only to include our final pay of the pay period, tips (which were also advocated for), taxes, ect.

Now, this being said, we don’t get paid overtime. Actually, that’s a lie as of recent we do. We get overtime after complaining for soo long and a proper employee handbook. Before we could work overtime, but never got paid for it 1.5x. Also, this new handbook changed the pay period to a weird start and end date.

Now, my question lies with why my employer would not include hours on our paychecks? As well as why not do direct deposit as it creates less work, eliminate hand delivery time and tardiness of the checks. Also no overtime? Only to show up when we receive an employee handbook that doesn’t even make sense.

Idk maybe I over think. But none of us coworkers have an explanation and the place is ran too crazily I don’t know what to think. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten paid well with decent benefits. Although, sometimes things aren’t right and we employees don’t feel compensated enough.

Physical paper checks don’t have hours, no overtime pay until recent with a new ” handbook “ that also changed pay period days to a wack timeframe. WHY?

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