
Tipped Employee Sidework Help

Hi all – I work for a Darden restaurant in Ohio that I believe is engaging in wage theft. Specifically, they are asking servers to perform roughly 1.5 hours of “sidework” each shift, while paying us as tipped employees. I’ve spoken with management about this issue, even informing them of what the law says about server side work. They’ve doubled down, hanging signs of their extensive “side work” requirements all over the back of house. What’s my next step? What’s the best way to file a labor complaint?

Hi all – I work for a Darden restaurant in Ohio that I believe is engaging in wage theft. Specifically, they are asking servers to perform roughly 1.5 hours of “sidework” each shift, while paying us as tipped employees.

I’ve spoken with management about this issue, even informing them of what the law says about server side work. They’ve doubled down, hanging signs of their extensive “side work” requirements all over the back of house. What’s my next step? What’s the best way to file a labor complaint?

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