
Tips for trolling a career expo

Hey y’all. I’m going to be going to a career expo at the end of this month. Mostly going because it is an LGBT career expo. To me in this context, queer values include a safe environment for everyone, robust disability accommodations, and living wages. I’m pretty sure that’s not what I’m going to find here. Among the employers attending, there are several police departments from the area as well as a large entertainment-industry company who I know don’t value these things (I am close with someone who has spent their career there and who will also be attending the expo with me). So I’m not expecting much from this expo tbh, just capitalist job pedaling, now rainbow washed for your convenience! Fuck that. I’m planning to decorate a calculator with a ‘Bullshit Detector’ label and when provided pay under the living wage, calculating the percentage difference b/w the pay…

Hey y’all. I’m going to be going to a career expo at the end of this month. Mostly going because it is an LGBT career expo. To me in this context, queer values include a safe environment for everyone, robust disability accommodations, and living wages. I’m pretty sure that’s not what I’m going to find here. Among the employers attending, there are several police departments from the area as well as a large entertainment-industry company who I know don’t value these things (I am close with someone who has spent their career there and who will also be attending the expo with me). So I’m not expecting much from this expo tbh, just capitalist job pedaling, now rainbow washed for your convenience! Fuck that.

I’m planning to decorate a calculator with a ‘Bullshit Detector’ label and when provided pay under the living wage, calculating the percentage difference b/w the pay and our area’s living wage in front of them and asking if they accept that percentage of effort from me.

I also plan to ask employers what efforts or values makes them qualified to be at an LGBT carer expo as I think that question alone will probably make recruiters uncomfortable and/or unable to answer.

I’d love some recommendations on how to further bother POS employers at this expo. Not really trying to get kicked out but I know I run that risk.

Also just to add, I’m relatively new to being active on Reddit and this thread has been informative and whatever the word is for anti-isolating. Thank you, especially to hard-working mods.


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