
Tips on how to ask for a raise

So.. I just learned my coworkers all make $4+ than me. I started before them maybe a few weeks in total. Feeling very exploited. I took this bank telling job when I was desperate for a job and didn’t particularly fight for a wage when I started. But learning this has left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m going to schedule a meeting with the CEO next week. How do I ask for this raise without admitting coworkers disclosed their wages? It tasted even worst because I work harder than these people. Thank you in advance.

So.. I just learned my coworkers all make $4+ than me. I started before them maybe a few weeks in total. Feeling very exploited. I took this bank telling job when I was desperate for a job and didn’t particularly fight for a wage when I started. But learning this has left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m going to schedule a meeting with the CEO next week. How do I ask for this raise without admitting coworkers disclosed their wages? It tasted even worst because I work harder than these people.

Thank you in advance.

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