
Tips on how to deal with a job offer.

Hey everyone. I'm in need of some tips on how to handle a situation that i currently find myself in. I've been working for a big mining company with apox 12k employees where I work with quality controll of the products that we sell for the last 5 years. Overall i realy enjoy my work and my colleagues. But I've had some problem with my wage since the beginning. Its alot lower than for other people in a similar position as me. I've been trying to get it fixed for the last 4 year but beacuse i've gotten a new boss almoast every year since i started it has always fallen behind. Last week I got pissed that they low balled me again on my yearly raise and started to look for a new job (still within the same company but in a different position) and they offered me the…

Hey everyone. I'm in need of some tips on how to handle a situation that i currently find myself in.

I've been working for a big mining company with apox 12k employees where I work with quality controll of the products that we sell for the last 5 years. Overall i realy enjoy my work and my colleagues. But I've had some problem with my wage since the beginning. Its alot lower than for other people in a similar position as me. I've been trying to get it fixed for the last 4 year but beacuse i've gotten a new boss almoast every year since i started it has always fallen behind.

Last week I got pissed that they low balled me again on my yearly raise and started to look for a new job (still within the same company but in a different position) and they offered me the job within 20 minutes of applying.
It pays alot more since i would become a boss over my own team of people but that would also mean that i would have to be available on the phone pretty much 24/7, get an increased workload and have to travel alot.

I told my boss about this and that I would leave as soon as i could if they didn't make me a counter offer within one week. Since then he has been trying to tell me different ways of getting a raise, promoting me and to make the company do an evaluation of my workload. Pretty much anything to make me want to stay. But since he is fairly new and unexperienced he want me to talk to his boss (my old boss that got a promotion) about it on monday.

I told him that i want the following
An updated version of my responsibilities ( i have a old one that had never been updated since i started and i have since then almoast doubled my worlkoad)

A raise of minimum 10% (the ammount my union has requested)

A plan of what opportunities i will have in the future. (My company makes this for almoast everyone but i never got one).

I requested all these in writing.

Now i'm preparing for the meeting with my bosses boss i would like some help how to say stuff and how to get my requests through.

Since this is the place where i've seen people get help when it comes to work-related stuff i figgured it was worth a shot to ask you guys.

Thanks in advance and sorry if this post makes no sence.
English isnt my native language and im typing this on my phone.

Have a nice weekend!

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