
Tired of being dehumanized by employers

Dehumanization is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it. Employers do not treat the employed as human beings, but as mindless drones that need to place their jobs above all else. I’ve had employers demand to see a copy of grandfathers death certificate to prove I was actually attending a funeral when missing work. I’ve had employers tell me that my dedication to the job is bad because I had to call off to care for my sick Child. I’m never thanked or appreciated for staying late, covering extra shifts, or going above and beyond at work, but always made to feel like I’m a terrible person for calling out or leaving early, or saying no when they call me ten minutes before a shift to cover for some one else who calls out. I’ve had employers who pretend to be…

Dehumanization is the denial of full humanity in others along with the cruelty and suffering that accompany it. Employers do not treat the employed as human beings, but as mindless drones that need to place their jobs above all else. I’ve had employers demand to see a copy of grandfathers death certificate to prove I was actually attending a funeral when missing work. I’ve had employers tell me that my dedication to the job is bad because I had to call off to care for my sick
Child. I’m never thanked or appreciated for staying late, covering extra shifts, or going above and beyond at work, but always made to feel like I’m a terrible person for calling out or leaving early, or saying no when they call me ten minutes before a shift to cover for some one else who calls out. I’ve had employers who pretend to be understanding of employees personal lives only to turn around and use it ammo for why that person is a terrible employee. It’s mentally and physically exhausting and then they wonder why there’s massive apathy towards working. When you refuse to treat us as humans, how the fuck can you expect us not to be jaded and angry?

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